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Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah

Country: Slovenia
Elevation: 370 m / 1214 ft
Type: peak, mountain hut
Weather forecast:
Views: 377,843
Popularity: 80% (726th place)
Number of pictures: 12
Number of paths: 4
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of mountain:
Zavrh is a village in Slovenske gorice, which is for mountaineers known mainly after the control point of extended Slovenian mountain hiking trail. In the center of the village, at the settled a smaller parking lot, they built 17 meters high metal lookout tower, which offers a nice view of a larger part of northeastern Slovenia. Near the tower there is also a restaurant and next to it a monument of general Rudolf Maister.
Stamp of extended Slovenian mountain hiking trail is located approx. 50 meters lower in the direction towards Gočova (opposite the house with number 96 we will notice a wooden log cabin, and behind it a private house, on the yard of which there is an inscription box with a stamp).
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Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah
Spodnja Voličina - Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah 35 mineasy marked way
Gočova - Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah1 h 10 mineasy marked way
Lenart v Slovenskih goricah - Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah (via lake Radehova)1 h 20 mineasy marked way
Lenart v Slovenskih goricah - Zavrh v Slovenskih goricah1 h 45 mineasy marked way
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