Elevation: 2143 m / 7031 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 11,630
Popularity: 43% (2051st place)
Description of mountain:
Zermula is 2143 meters high mountain in Carnic Alps.
Ascents are possible from north (mountain pass: Passo del Cason di Lanza) or south (settlement: Paularo).
On the mountain and its near surrounding are located numerous tunnels, bunkers and portholes, which are remains of the 1st world war.
Etymologically speaking the origin of the name is Friulian. Meaning supposed to be "sprout"; probably the idea for the name came by a view on grassy southern slopes of the mountain.
Zermula is also known for that, that it is classified as the point of trail 60 peaks of friendship.
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