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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Koča v Krnici / Ruski križ - Koča v Krnici (on forest path)

Ruski križ - Koča v Krnici (on forest path)

Starting point: Ruski križ (1000 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.4444°N 13.7746°E 
Path name: on forest path
Time of walking: 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 113 m
Altitude difference (by path): 165 m
Map: PZS, Kranjska gora z okolico, 1 : 25.000
Author: Kriška
Views: 20,593
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 22
Access to starting point:
We drive into Kranjska Gora, where we continue driving left in the direction of Vršič or Bovec. Only a little before the 3rd hairpin turn of road Ruska cesta or Vršiška cesta, we will by the road notice a smaller parking lot, where we park. On the opposite side of the road, we can see the cross, and few meters ahead on the left side a turn-off of the forest road and signposts for Koča v Krnici. We can also descend on the mentioned worse macadam road towards Suha Pišnica where there is also a little larger parking lot. Few parking lots are also a little ahead by the main road between the 4th hairpin turn and Mihov dom.
To the starting point, we can also come from Primorska side through the mountain pass Vršič.
Path description:
We go on a bad macadam road which immediately starts moderately descending. After few minutes of descent through the forest, the path flattens and it brings us to the parking lot near the riverbed of Suha Pišnica. Here by the parking lot there is also a drinking water. In front of a riverbed we can decide to cross it on a new wooden bridge on our left side (old one was swept away by a rose water), and then in few next 10 meters we follow frequent signs, which point us sharp to the right, away from private cottage on our left, towards a wide path which leads on the mountain pasture V Klinu. This variant is appropriate mainly when the level of water is high and crossing over the footbridge would be difficult. We can decide, that we continue straight and we cross the riverbed on a narrow footbridge, placed on the rocks in the riverbed. Only a little after this, when we cross the mentioned stream, the path turns slightly to the left and it brings us out of the forest on ample grassy slopes of the mountain pasture V Klinu, where on the right we notice a bigger old cottage. When we descend on the path past the mentioned cottage, we come to a smaller well-settled memory park, dedicated mountaineers that died in the surrounding mountains (Mali Tamar). The path leads past this memorial on the right side only for few 10 meters further and it brings us to the juncture with a road which leads in Krnica from a bridge over Velika Pišnica below the former hotel Erika. We join this path and we continue there to the right, but for only a very short time. When the path comes to an ample dry torrential riverbed, which reaches all the way to opposite bank of the valley, the road crosses part of stone deposits. Immediately after that crossing we need to pay attention to a turn-off of a marked footpath which goes from a road right in a thin forest. From here further footpath leads in light ascent through the forest, mostly it is pleasantly soft, only here and there a little more rocky. A little before end of our tour we will be able to see on the right the consequences of a large rockfall, which happened in Krnica in the winter 2007/2008 right next to the mountain hut. After approximately 20 minutes of walking on this with rare blazes marked footpath we come out of the forest and only few 10 meters before the mountain hut Koča v Krnici we join the road which comes to the hut from our left side.
On the way: planina V Klinu (960m)
Trip can be extended to: Pogačnikov dom na Kriških podih (4 h 25 min) , Gubno (4 h 15 min) , Križ , Planja (6 h 10 min) , Špik (4 h 15 min) , Stenar (5 h 30 min) , Dolkova špica (5 h) , Razor (6 h 25 min) , Velika Martuljška Ponca (6 h 15 min) , Veliki Oltar (5 h 15 min) , Škrlatica (6 h 45 min)
Ruski križ - Koča v Krnici1
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Ruski križ - Koča v Krnici9
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Ruski križ - Koča v Krnici22
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