Zgornja brv - Koča na Klopnem vrhu
Starting point: Zgornja brv (1259 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.481°N 15.3599°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 1 m
Altitude difference (by path): 150 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Slovenske Konjice, and then we follow the road to the mentioned settlement. In Slovenske Konjice we turn right towards Oplotnica, to which we have few kilometers winding road. In Oplotnica, where we join the road from Slovenska Bistrica we continue left in the direction of Osankarica. Further, for some time we are ascending by the stream Oplotnica, and then we get to a crossroad, where the road splits into two parts. Here we continue left in the direction of Rogla. We continue on the road which soon changes into a macadam and higher past village Lukanja brings us on a little bigger crossroad, where we continue left in the direction of Rogla and Koča na Pesku, (right - Osankarica). From here after approximately 7.0 kilometers from the left turn we notice a smaller parking spot, where we park the car. The starting point we recognize by signposts for Lovrenc. From here to Rogla there is 7.0 km, and to Pesek 4.0 km.
To the starting point, we can also come from the direction of Koča na Pesku.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go (from the starting point there are three paths - left and middle Lovrenc) on the middle path, which we leave already after few meters and we go right into the forest following the blazes (Klopni vrh - Osankarica and also marked Slovenian Mountain Trail (long-distance trail). From here ahead the path leads us almost all the time through beautiful Pohorje forests and also few wetlands. The forest path few times joins and branches off the settled cycling path and macadam path, so we need all the time to be careful on blazes, which are frequent and there are enough of them. We have to be careful only at the turn-off for Osankarica (right), where we continue from the road left into the forest (also well marked). After approximately 1.15h of walking on a macadam road we notice the signpost (Klopni vrh 0.5h left), where we can turn off from the path and at first visit Klopni vrh 1.340 meters and we descend from the peak on the other side to the mountain hut Koča na Klopnem vrhu, or we continue straight approx 15 minutes on the path to the right turn, where the path branches off left into the forest where we already almost notice the mountain hut, and later from the hut we ascend to the summit.
The path runs on gentle ascents and descents, and it is appropriate both for younger and older mountaineers.