Elevation: 1260 m / 4134 ft
Type: mountain hut
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Views: 435,421
Popularity: 85% (537th place)
Description of mountain hut:
Mountain hut stands on a panoramic clearing northeast from Klopni vrh. Pre-war mountain hut was in the year 1941 burned down by partisans with the intention that the occupier would not arrange his outpost in it. In the same year near the mountain hut the first open battle took place, in which soldiers of Pohorje unit defeated the Germans for the first time, to which the monument reminds us.
From the mountain hut is a nice view towards northeastern side on Ruše and part of Maribor, in other directions the better view is veiled by the hills.
In front of the mountain hut, on the remains of the basement of a burned down villa there is a panoramic terrace.
Since the year 2018 the mountain hut is closed.
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