Elevation: 521 m / 1709 ft
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Views: 105,999
Popularity: 51% (1749th place)
Description of mountain:
Kostelsko gorje is a mountain range, which is situated in the northwestern part of Hrvatsko Zagorje. On the north and west it is limited with river Sotla, and on the east with river Krapinica. Kuna gora is the name of the main part of this mountain range and this is one rare areas, where the altitude exceeds 500 meters. The highest peak of Kuna gora is Bukovski vrh (521 meters), for which many people think, that it is also the highest peak of Kostelsko gorje (the highest peak of the mentioned mountain range is a little more to the east above the village Jezerišče and on the maps we can find it under the name Ravnica or Tusto čelo (561 meters). Kuna gora is with a dominant view rising above the settlement Pregrad. On Kuna gora there is situated a mountain hut, and interesting is also the old castle Kostel on the northern part of the mountain.
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