Elevation: 1536 m / 5039 ft
Type: mountain hut
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Views: 758,659
Popularity: 98% (60th place)
Description of mountain hut:
Dom na Zelenici (mountain hut II category) is a mountain hut, which stands on a saddle Zeleniško sedlo between the border ridge Na Možeh on the north and walls of Begunjščica on the south. Area of Zelenica is known winter sports center.
The mountain hut is open from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening and all holidays (day before holiday afternoon to evening of last day of holidays). For groups also by appointment.
Hut disposes with 50 beds (1 x 2 beds room, 1 x 3 beds room, 1 x 4 beds room, 3 x 5 beds rooms, 2 x 8 beds rooms, 1 x 10 beds room), they can also provide additional beds.
Dining room 70 seats, lecture room 30 seats. Visitors of the mountain hut have available free wireless access to internet, which will be useful mainly for the purpose of Mountaineering Education Centre.
History: Mountain hut stands on small plain Zeleniško sedlo between northern walls of Begunjščica and southern slopes of border ridge Na Možeh. First hut was built in 1929 by five private persons, but they had no intention to rent it to the Tržič Subsidiary of Slovenian Alpine Club. During the WW2 the hut was burnt. In 1950 the hut was built again by the workers of Police School from Begunje. On December 15th 1952, Planinsko društvo Tržič (Alpine Club from Tržič) rented unfinished hut and in 1953 they built it and prepared for provisional use. In 1962 Planinsko društvo Tržič got the hut in permanent possession by the Agreement between Slovenian Police and Alpine Association of Slovenia. Hut was then finished and equipped, and inaugurate on December 19th in the year of 1966. In 1992 there was built a penthouse above the entrance and we got a lecture room. Mountain hut completely burned down in December 1999. Alpine Club has renewed it, built it and is since the year 2011 opened again.
Zelenica hut has also Mountaineering Education Centre. Outlooks: There is no such point in the closer surroundings for the good outlook, because of the mountain ridges around the Zelenica Saddle. There is a beautiful outlook from the former upper station of the chairlift to stone plateau between Ljubeljščica ridge on the north and north slopes of Begunjščica on the south side of the plateau. If we ascend on the top of the ridge, a nice view opens up on a hilly landscape of Koroška towards Drau.
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