Elevation: 2151 m / 7057 ft
Type: mountain hut, saddle
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Views: 638,617
Popularity: 96% (127th place)
Description of mountain hut:
Mountain hut Koča na Doliču (sometimes Tržaška koča na Doliču) is located near the saddle Dolič, between Kanjavec (2569 meters) and Šmarjetna glava (2358 meters). The mountain hut which is managed by PD Gorje is open in the summer season, bivouac which used to be few meters away from the mountain hut is gone since the avalanche in the year 2009. From the mountain hut a nice view opens up on slopes of Kanjavec and mountains, which are rising above the valley Zadnjica and Trenta.
The mountain hut was severely damaged by the avalanche in the beginning of the year 2009, which literally broke the mountain hut into two parts. The mountain hut was then renovated.
Surroundings within radius of
Glava v Zaplanji (2556m),
Kanjavec (2569m),
Kanjavec (West peak) (2569m),
Mišelj vrh (2350m),
Mišeljski Konec (2464m),
Morbegna (2520m),
Poprovec (2496m),
Rjavec (2571m),
Škednjovec (2309m),
Šmarjetna glava (2358m),
Teme (Hribarice) (2495m),
Triglav (2864m),
Vodnikov Vršac (Vršac nad Zadnjico) (2194m),
Vrh Hribaric (2388m),
Vrh Zelenic (2478m),
Vršaki (Vzhodni vrh) (2448m)
Webcams in radius of
Blejska koča na Lipanci,
Bohinjska Bistrica,
Erjavčeva koča na Vršiču,
Gozd - Martuljek,
Koča na Gozdu,
Koča na planini Razor,
Koča na Uskovnici,
Kranjska Gora,
Kranjska Gora (Brsnina),
Kranjska Gora (Velika Dolina),
Kranjska Gora (Podkoren (rotating webcam)),
Kranjska Gora (Podkoren),
Kranjska Gora (rotating webcam),
Lake Bohinj (boathouse),
Lake Bohinj (na Veglju),
Lake Jasna,
Mihov dom na Vršiču,
Mojčin dom na Vitrancu,
Mojstrana (cesta v Vrata),
Pogačnikov dom na Kriških podih,
Porto Botte,
Poštarski dom na Vršiču,
Poštarski dom na Vršiču (rotating webcam),
Triglav glacier,
Triglavski dom na Kredarici,
Zasavska koča na Prehodavcih,
Zgornji Goreljek (Pokljuka)