Elevation: 2744 m / 9003 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 447,297
Popularity: 86% (492nd place)
Description of mountain:
Monte Paterno is 2744 meters high panoramic peak. From the top is a breathtaking view on all sides, especially stands out Tre Cime on the west.
The peak is massively visited because mountain road which brings us 2320 meters high to the hut Auronzo significantly shortens the ascent.
Monte Paterno is known also after tragic events, which happened here in the first world war. The most known is the ascent of the mountain guide Sepp Innerkofler. He tried to reach the peak on the northern ridge and a little below the summit Italians noticed him and started shooting. He was hit by mountain guide Reno De Luca, which was also Innerkofler's personal friend. Later during the war Reno De Luca also had fallen. In the memory of this tragic event they named path on the northern ridge »Ferrata De Luca-Innerkofler«.
Surroundings within radius of
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Passo Monte Croce / Kreuzbergpass,
Prags (Skilifte Prags),
Rifugio Pendio Monte Elmo,
Sexten (Bergstation Hasenköpfl),
Sexten (Kabinenbahn Signaue),
Sexten (Rotwand Bergstation),
Sexten (Waldheimlifte),
Toblach (Skicenter Rienz),
Toblach (Trenkerlift),
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Tre Cime di Lavaredo