Torre di Toblin / Toblinger Knoten
Elevation: 2617 m / 8586 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 241,001
Popularity: 65% (1235th place)
Description of mountain:
Torre di Toblin is 2617 meters high peak, which is situated in nature park Sexten Dolomites. Hardly accessible peak on which runs an interesting secured path (ferrata) offers outstanding views on a larger part of Dolomites. There the most stand out nearby Tre Cime and Monte Paterno.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
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Monte Elmo / Helm,
Moos - Moso,
Moso / Moos (Stiergarten),
Padola (Talstation Padola),
Passo Monte Croce / Kreuzbergpass,
Prags (Skilifte Prags),
Rifugio Pendio Monte Elmo,
Sexten (Bergstation Hasenköpfl),
Sexten (Kabinenbahn Signaue),
Sexten (Rotwand Bergstation),
Sexten (Waldheimlifte),
Toblach (Skicenter Rienz),
Toblach (Trenkerlift),
Toblach - Dobbiaco,
Tre Cime di Lavaredo