Elevation: 2500 m / 8202 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 346,383
Popularity: 76% (839th place)
Description of mountain:
Spodnji Rokav, which starts Rokav group and mountain chain Škrlatica, belongs without a doubt among our most wild and difficult peaks. None of the ascents there is easy, if not technically then it is orientationally quite demanding. A lot of attention we should give also to a rock, which isn't always a good quality. It is more the other way around, there are fewer spots with good rock, than spots with bad quality of rock. Ascent there I recommend in the autumn, when larches are yellow and everything is glowing. Then you really feel the concept "symphony in the rock". And safe ascent on the extremely wild and lonely mountain.
There are two approaches, but I will focus only on the route Potočnik-Tominšek. The route, which with its 700 meters belongs already among serious tours is by no means to be underestimated. Anyone, who underestimated the route also had serious problems. Enough of words. Let's go on tour!
Surroundings within radius of
Bivak na Jezerih (2118m),
Bivak na Rušju (1980m),
Bivak v Veliki Dnini (2180m),
Brinova glava (1586m),
Dolkova špica (2591m),
Dovški križ (2542m),
Kucelj (Julian Alps) (2372m),
Mala Martuljška Ponca (2501m),
Pri treh macesnih (1810m),
Rakova Špica (2545m),
Rogljica (2547m),
Široka peč (2497m),
Škrlatica (2740m),
Šplevta (2272m),
Velika Martuljška Ponca (2602m),
Veliki Oltar (2621m),
Visoki Rokav (2646m)
Webcams in radius of
Blejska koča na Lipanci,
Erjavčeva koča na Vršiču,
Gozd - Martuljek,
Koča na Gozdu,
Koča na Uskovnici,
Korensko sedlo,
Kranjska Gora,
Kranjska Gora (Brsnina),
Kranjska Gora (Velika Dolina),
Kranjska Gora (Podkoren (rotating webcam)),
Kranjska Gora (Podkoren),
Kranjska Gora (rotating webcam),
Lake Jasna,
Mihov dom na Vršiču,
Mojčin dom na Vitrancu,
Mojstrana (cesta v Vrata),
Peč - Dreilandereck,
Pogačnikov dom na Kriških podih,
Porto Botte,
Poštarski dom na Vršiču,
Poštarski dom na Vršiču (rotating webcam),
Triglav glacier,
Triglavski dom na Kredarici,
Zasavska koča na Prehodavcih,
Zgornji Goreljek (Pokljuka)