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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Cima Alta (Due Pizzi) / Bagni di Lusnizza - Cima Alta (Due Pizzi) (via Forcella Cuel Tarond)

Bagni di Lusnizza - Cima Alta (Due Pizzi) (via Forcella Cuel Tarond)

Starting point: Bagni di Lusnizza (691 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.49777°N 13.3821°E 
Path name: via Forcella Cuel Tarond
Time of walking: 5 h 45 min
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1355 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1650 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Views: 398
Trip rating: 2 votes
Number of pictures: 138
Access to starting point:
Over the border crossing Rateče or Predel we drive to Trbiž / Tarvisio, and then we continue driving on the old road towards Videm / Udine. This road we follow to the settlement Lužnice / Bagni di Lusnizza. When we will on the left side of the road notice the church, we turn sharp, almost 180 degrees left into the mentioned settlement. Then we follow the road through the village and we follow the signs for museum Museo della Foresta. When the last houses in the village end, we will on the right side of the road notice an asphalt parking lot. We can park already here or we continue driving and then through the underpass we cross the highway. Immediately after the underpass we continue left and then we park on an appropriate place by the road.
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue on a narrow road parallel with the highway. When we will on the highway notice the exit and signs for resting place La Foresta, we continue few ten meters on the road and then on the right we will notice a cart track which slightly ascends into the forest.
We go on the mentioned cart track and soon after the beginning of the cart track we will by the path notice an old sign for mountain pasture Malga Granuda and Due Pizzi. On the cart track, we continue to the nearby crossing where there are also signposts.
We continue left on a worse cart track past the feed site for wild animals, where we also get pointed to by signs for mountain pasture Malga Granuda and Due Pizzi. To the right leads the path towards the saddle Sella Bieliga.
A little overgrown cart track through the forest brings us to a clearing and stream Rio Granuda Piccolo where from the left another cart track joins. A short time we continue right on a poorly visible cart track, and then we go firmly to the left and we cross the stream. After crossing the stream, the path brings us into the forest and then runs towards the east. The path here ascends diagonally and on some parts it is damaged because of landslides and fallen trees. To the right then the path marked with orange dots branches off, and we continue straight and we still cross the slopes towards the east. From the mentioned crossing, we cross slopes for approximately 15 minutes and then the path turns firmly to the right. Further, we are then for a long time ascending in hairpin turns mostly through the forest and occasionally we cross also few quite overgrown clearings. Higher then from the right again joins the path which is marked with orange dots. A poorly beaten path is still all the time ascending through the forest so it doesn't offer any view. And a little before the mountain pasture Malga Granuda we get to a marked crossing.
Straight leads the path 604 towards the mountain pasture Malga Granuda to which there is good 5 minutes of walking, and we go right towards the notch Forcella Cuel Tarond. From the crossing, we at first ascend a little through the forest, then the path becomes a little less steep and it brings us on the upper edge of the mountain pasture Malga Granuda. Here for a short time, a view opens up a little towards Dve špici, and then the path again brings us into the forest. Further, we for some time cross the slopes towards the southwest. Here the path mostly runs through the forest, and also crosses few torrent gullies. At the crossing of the biggest gully, also quite some caution is needed, because the path through the gully is in bad condition, and in the gully also the snow stays for a long time. After that, the path turns a little to the left and starts ascending by dwarf pines and larches. Such a path, which is becoming also more panoramic brings us to the notch Forcella Cuel Tarond where there is also a crossing.
At the crossing, we continue left and gentle path further leads past some ruins from the time of the first world war. Here we will by the path also notice the sign, which marks that the path further is demanding and also the use of self belaying is recommended. The path from which beautiful views opening up on the south side soon starts ascending through dwarf pines and brings us below the slopes of the peak Cuel dai Pez. A short time we are still ascending diagonally, and then we get to a smaller notch where we will notice first fixed safety gear. Some fixed safety gear on the path are also damaged so some additional caution is needed. The path named Via Ferrata Battaglione Alpini Gemona then crosses slopes towards the east and bypasses the peak Cuel dai Pez on the right south side. To the left then quite unnoticeably a footpath towards the mentioned summit Cuel dai Pez branches off, and we still cross panoramic slopes, which are partly covered with dwarf pines. On a shorter part, we again get help from a steel cable, and then the path brings us on the northern side of the ridge. Here we will by the path notice military tunnels, and the path then descends steeper. Next follows traversing and the path brings us on a shorter secured part where we have to cross a steeper rough slope. The path and fixed safety gear on this part, usually are not in the best condition therefore quite some caution is needed. The path then again brings us into dwarf pines and passes on the south side of the ridge where the path again becomes demanding. Here with the help of steel cables we diagonally descend on a steep rocky slope, and then the path soon brings us above deep gully below precipitous ridge of the peak Gosadon. Here the path brings us back on the northern side and becomes less demanding. First, we relatively steeply descend, and then follows crossing of the slopes mostly vegetated with dwarf pines. Such a path brings us to a marked crossing where from the left joins the path 604 from the mountain pasture Malga Granuda.
From the crossing, the path becomes steeper, so that at the ascent occasionally we have to use hands. Later, the steepness decreases and the path brings us on the scree below precipitous ridge of the peak Monte Gosadon. Here the path turns to the left and crosses the mentioned scree. On the other side of the scree the path again steeply ascends, and then follows also a crossing of a shorter gully where because of sand on the path also some caution is needed. Further, the slope becomes again more vegetated with dwarf pines and then follows an ascent towards the saddle between the peaks Cima Alta (Dve špici)) and Monte Gosadon. A little below the saddle, the path also brings us to a crossing where a demanding path towards the summit of Monte Gosadon branches off to the right.
At the crossing, we continue left and then follows an ascent through dwarf pines. On a shorter part a view opens up also towards the south where we can clearly see Montaž. We are soon at the crossing again where from the right side joins the path from valleys Zajzera and Dunja.
We again continue left and we are then for some time ascending through dwarf pines on the western slopes of the peak Cima Alta. Higher the dwarf pines end and only a short ascent follows on a panoramic slope to a panoramic summit.
On the way: Malga Granuda (1501m), Forcella Cuel Tarond (1750m)
Bagni di Lusnizza - Cima Alta (Due Pizzi)1
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