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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Hunting lodge Vrhtrebnje / Dobrnič - Hunting lodge Vrhtrebnje (via Šahovec)

Dobrnič - Hunting lodge Vrhtrebnje (via Šahovec)

Starting point: Dobrnič (242 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.8769°N 14.9773°E 
Path name: via Šahovec
Time of walking: 1 h 40 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 320 m
Altitude difference (by path): 335 m
Views: 1,756
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 36
Access to starting point:
A) Highway Ljubljana - Novo mesto we leave at exit Trebnje - west, and then we continue driving in the direction of Žužemberk and Dobrnič. When we get to Dobrnič, still before the church we turn left on a parking lot by the cemetery.
B) First, we drive to Žužemberk, and then we continue driving towards Trebnje and Dobrnič. When we get to Dobrnič, at the crossroad at the church we continue left and then immediately right towards the nearby cemetery, where we park on a settled parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we return to the main road, where we continue left to the inn Gostilna Pr Lubčku, and there we notice signs for path Baragova pot, which point us on a little narrower road which continues among houses. Dobrnič soon ends, and at few smaller crossroads we continue slightly right all the way to the village Lokve pri Dobrniču.
The path ahead which still continues on the road leads us among fields, then through a lane of a forest, where for some time it also steeply ascends and higher among pastures. Higher, the path leads past another cross, after which we get to the village Šahovec. At the crossroad in the middle of the village (by the crossroad there is a traffic mirror) we continue left on an even narrower road which leads us past few more houses. The village quickly ends, and on the road which continues along the field we get to a smaller pond, where we leave the road and we continue left on a footpath which further isn't marked with blazes, but it is relatively often marked with the signs of the path Baragova pot.
From the pond, we go left and we continue by the edge of the forest on a cart track which passes into the forest. The path Baragova pot is at first quite easy to follow, because it runs on a cart track. A little higher we leave the cart track, because signs for path Baragova pot point us on a short part of the path, where the footpath is hard to follow and overgrown, but if we carefully follow the signs we will quickly come to another cart track, on which we continue the moderate ascent. Further, the cart track flattens even more and brings us out of the forest to the edge of the village Vrhtrebnje.
We reach the village near the church of St. Jakob, before which we continue right towards the landmark of 15th meridian and the hunting lodge, to where we only have a minute of walking.
On the way: Lokve pri Dobrniču (247m), Šahovec (340m)
Trip can be extended to: Trebni vrh ( 5 min)
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