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Mountain ranges / Lower Tauern / Unterer Wildenkarsee / Etrachsee - Unterer Wildenkarsee

Etrachsee - Unterer Wildenkarsee

Starting point: Etrachsee (1368 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 47.2226°N 13.977°E 
Time of walking: 1 h 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 523 m
Altitude difference (by path): 523 m
Views: 2,903
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 22
Access to starting point:
From highway Beljak/Villach - Salzburg we go to the exit St. Michael and follow the road ahead to the settlement Tamsweg, where we turn left in the direction of the settlement Sauerfeld. We follow this road to the village Seebach (to here possible also from town Murau), where signs for Krakaudorf point us to the left. Ahead we follow the signs towards the lake Etrachsee, in front of which we park on a parking lot. The road is in the winter time closed.
Path description:
From the parking lot at Etrachsee we continue on the road in the direction of the summit Bauleiteck and mountain hut Rudolf Schober Hütte. The path ahead leads us past the mentioned lake after which we come to some private cottages. We still continue on the road which after few minutes of walking, it brings us to a marked crossing. We continue right upward on a cart track which starts ascending steeper. After a short ascent, the path again brings us on the road which we follow to the next crossing. Here we have two options to continue: to the hut we can ascend on the road (straight) or on a pleasant footpath which turns left. If we decided for 5 minutes shorter footpath we continue left and then after few steps right by the stream upwards. Nice path which leads us over pastures, higher through numerous bridges crosses the mentioned stream. The path which meanwhile already passed into the forest ascends steeper and in few minutes brings us to the mountain hut.
From the mountain hut, we continue in the direction of Bauleiteck on the path which is slightly ascending and it quickly brings us to the next crossing. Here we continue slightly left and steeper path, which is ascending over thinner, mostly conifer forest we follow to the next crossing, where we continue left (right Bauleiteck). After additional few minutes of easy walking path brings us to the lake Unterer Wildenkarsee.
On the way: Rudolf Schober Hütte (1667m)
Trip can be extended to: Oberer Wildenkarsee ( 25 min)
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