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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Veliko Cerje / Kostanjevica na Krasu - Veliko Cerje (via Fajti hrib)

Kostanjevica na Krasu - Veliko Cerje (via Fajti hrib)

Starting point: Kostanjevica na Krasu (295 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.8451°N 13.6438°E 
Path name: via Fajti hrib
Time of walking: 1 h 55 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 48 m
Altitude difference (by path): 250 m
Map: Goriška - izletniška karta 1:50.000
Views: 3,000
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 38
Access to starting point:
A) Highway through Vipava valley we leave at exit for Šempeter and Nova Gorica, and then from the nearby crossroad, we continue straight towards the industrial zone and Italy. A little further, we turn left towards Vrtojba and Miren, and further we follow the signs for Miren, Komen and Opatje Selo. When the settlement Miren ends in few hairpin turns we ascend on a plateau Kraška planota, and we follow the road to the settlement Kostanjevica na Krasu, where we turn left towards Temnica and Lipa, and still in Kostanjevica on an appropriate place we park near the church.
B) We drive to Nova Gorica, and then we continue driving towards Šempeter pri Gorici and forward towards Vrtojba and Miren, and further we follow the signs for Miren, Komen and Opatje Selo. When the settlement Miren ends in few hairpin turns we ascend on a plateau Kraška planota, and we follow the road to the settlement Kostanjevica na Krasu, where we turn left towards Temnica and Lipa, and still in Kostanjevica on an appropriate place we park near the church.
Path description:
From the crossroad on the eastern side of the church we go on a side road, by which there are signs for cave Ruska jama. The path ahead leads us on a macadam road, where we at first on the left bypass a bigger structure, and then we also on the right side bypass abandoned buildings of the territorial defense in Kostanjevica na Krasu. Few minutes ahead at the crossing of the roads, we choose the left one (on the right we reach the ridge of Črni hribi between Veliki vrh and Renški vrh), and there we are then lightly descending.
And when after some time we start lightly ascending, from a triangular crossroad we continue right (left cave Ruska jama and Cerje), and we are then moderately ascending to a saddle, where we reach the marked path Cerje - Trstelj.
On the saddle, we leave the road and we continue left (right Trstelj), and then we start ascending on the mountain path, which in few minutes brings us to the summit of Fajti hrib.
From Fajti hrib, where there stands an information board with short descriptions of Isonzo front, we continue on a marked path which starts descending towards the northwest. After few minutes of a steeper descent, we reach a bad macadam road which we follow to the left, and there past the entrance in the cavern, we lightly descend to a smaller saddle and crossroad, where we leave the road.
We continue on a marked path towards Cerje, which is then at first lightly ascending, and then lightly descending, and at the crossings we follow the blazes. A little further, the path from Vrtoče joins, and we still follow the signs for Cerje. The path ahead passes on terrain, where there was a wildfire in August 2019, and a quite panoramic path, we then follow to the monument on Cerje.
The starting point - Fajti hrib 1:10, Fajti hrib - Cerje 0:45.
Description and pictures refer to a condition in February 2020.
On the way: Fajti hrib (433m), Veliko Medvejšče (376m)
Trip can be extended to: Renški vrh , Veliki vrh (Črni hribi) , Vrtovka , Lešenjak , Stolovec , Stjenkova koča on Trstelj , Stol (Črni hribi) , Trstelj
Kostanjevica na Krasu - Veliko Cerje1
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