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Predmeja - Mali Modrasovec (by road)

Starting point: Predmeja (1020 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 45.956°N 13.8541°E 
Path name: by road
Time of walking: 1 h 10 min
Difficulty: easy marked way, easy unmarked way
Difficulty of skiing: easily
Altitude difference: 285 m
Altitude difference (by path): 285 m
Map: Goriška 1:50.000
Views: 6,612
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 11
Access to starting point:
From central Slovenia we drive to Logatec and forward towards Idrija but only to Godovič. Here we turn left in the direction of Črni vrh. We follow this road ahead towards Predmeja. Behind the village Predmeja we go right in the direction of village Lokve. Then we drive on the forest road to a sharp right turn, where the road on Čaven branches off to the left. Here we park on an appropriate place. Near is few smaller parking spots.
From Primorska side we drive to valley Vipavska dolina, where we further follow the signs for village Lokavec. From here ahead we drive in the direction of Predmeja. In parts quite scenic road brings us to a crossroad before Predmeja. Here we go straight in the direction of village Lokve and we follow the road to a sharp right turn, where the road on Čaven branches off to the left. Here we park on an appropriate place. Near is few smaller parking spots.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we go on a road towards Čaven. The road which runs through the forest is slightly ascending and after approximately 15 minutes brings us to a crossroad, where we go to the left bottom road. Only few minutes before the mountain hut on the left side of the road nice views open up towards Primorska. After that follows only a shorter descent and in front of us, we notice the mountain hut Koča na Čavnu.
Behind the mountain hut, the signpost (Modrasovec) point us right on a footpath which is ascending through a meadow. After few minutes, the path brings us into the forest and we follow it to the spot, where it starts descending. Here we leave the marked path and go right on a poorly beaten footpath which in five minutes through the forest brings us to the summit of Mali Modrasovec.
The starting point - Koča na Čavnu 1:00, Koča na Čavnu - Mali Modrasovec 10 minutes.
On the way: Koča Antona Bavčerja na Čavnu mountain hut (1242m)
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