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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Matkov kot / Robanov kot - Matkov kot (via RMK)

Robanov kot - Matkov kot (via RMK)

Starting point: Robanov kot (700 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3948°N 14.703°E 
Destination: Matkov kot (920 m)
Path name: via RMK
Time of walking: 21 h
Difficulty: very difficult pathless terrain
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 220 m
Altitude difference (by path): 3500 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Author: medo*
Views: 14,675
Trip rating: 5 votes
Number of pictures: 126
Access to starting point:
We drive in the direction of valley Logarska dolina, where we turn left towards Robanov kot. We park on a parking lot in front of farm Robanova kmetija.
Path description:
Andrej Stritar in guide Kamniško - Savinjske Alpe, 2003, str. 199, describes Path KK, on pathless terrain from Matkov kot into Robanov kot. When I was researching those parts, I got an idea about new, a little different path between Matkov kot and Robanov kot. I wanted more direct route on most beautiful pathless terrains, visiting beautiful cirques and that path leads also over peaks. So my path is quite different and because of difficulty of walking downwards through Hudi prask I also changed direction of the path from Robanov kot into Matkov kot. Therefore I named my walked path »Path RMK« - from Robanov into Matkov kot, which we walk in three days or rounds, or even gradually by parts. We can sleep in mountain hut Koča na Klemenči jami and on Okrešelj.
First round - Krofička: Robanov kot - Črni hriber - Ute - ridge of Krofička - Krofička - on a hunting path into Škrbina - Klemenča jama. From the farm Robanova kmetija we come in a little less than an hour of walking to mountain dairy. Here we go right and we go on a clearing, where by the end of it, we turn left into the forest. The footpath starts about 150 altitude meters above the valley, on the top of triangular hill, which we see from the mountain dairy. There we come on the left side. In the forest, we stick to the right and we ascend on at first wide gully, which in the upper part narrows. On the saddle, we notice characteristic vertical rock and opposite of it, there is the beginning of the footpath. Then we follow quite well visible footpath over steep grass. When we get to a saddle, where on the other side there is a wide gully, we move forward to the right, on less distinct path. Next key spot is turn off on an indistinct grassy terrain, where we go right and we leave the path over Črni hriber. We cross shorter vegetated meadow and we continue through the forest. The path brings us to steeper scree, where we go upwards to a meadow and we go there to the right direction, where we soon again notice a footpath. We cross to the right below the walls until we enter in crumbly gravel and vegetated ditch and we ascend there. Here on the path greets stream, but it doesn't always have water. On top of the ditch terrain opens in scenic cirque, where used to live shepherd Robanov pastir and now stands renovated cottage Pod Utami. Then we continue upwards to a saddle on the top of the ridge, which a view opens up into a valley Logarska dolina. We descend to the left, where fallen trunk offers one of more beautiful views through a valley Logarska dolina. We cross on the grass below the ridge in the direction of Krofička. When the ridge becomes less steep, we look for passage among dwarf pines to the top of the ridge. Now we walk more or less on a ridge, if terrain becomes harder, we descend more to the right. Like that we come to the next peak in the ridge - Travnik, 2029 meters. Soon ridge flattens and is on the right cutted, and on the left heavily vegetated with dwarf pines. We are looking for passages among dwarf pines or we avoid it few ten meters lower. A little before of the peak Krofička we are ascending by the left side of the ridge, we reach the peak on the right. Then we at first descend few meters on the same path in wide crumbly gravel gully below the summit. We cross below the upper part of Krofička through dwarf pines made path. When we get past smooth plates, follows a steep descent among dwarf pines and grassy - rocky terrain. When the steepness decreases, we go to the right direction on meadows and we are slightly descending to dwarf pines, where we look for a footpath. After few meters, we get to almost vertical chimney, which is high approximately 10 meters, and by damaged steel cable we descend on a smaller saddle. We continue straight on a saddle in dwarf pines and we descend on a ridge secured with a steel cable into a gully, where there is a memorial plaque. Right by rocks of Škrbina we reach a marked path to Ojstrica. Here we turn right to the mountain hut Koča na Klemenči jami.
Features: orientationally demanding tour, recommended protection against ticks and long pants for walking through dwarf pines, dangerous for slipping on steep grass, technically demanding descent on a hunting path from Krofička into Škrbina.
Second round - Rjavčki vrh: Klemeča jama - Rjavčki vrh - over Grlo on Pasje sedlo - Okrešelj. From Koča na Klemenči jami we go on a marked path on Ojstrica over Škarje. On the saddle below Rjavčki vrh before characteristic rock we turn from the marked path sharply right on a small footpath upwards. The path leads over little cirque with lush grass. Next follows for approximately 50 meters of ascent to Rjavčki vrh. On the same path we return back on a marked path and on a saddle we turn right below a wall of Rjavčki vrh. We descend in the cirque and we stick to the right side of a quite steep slope. We cross two smaller scree. Below cirque in dwarf pines we look for quite well visible footpath, because marked path used to lead here, so in some parts are visible faded blazes. When lower on a meadow the path becomes less steep, we cross left towards a wall of Planjava. Slope narrows in shorter jump, which we climb in zig-zags with the help of iron spikes. Below it we descend on a footpath in grass left from crumbly gravel gully. In the valley we again turn around upwards left over the scree below Planjava towards the saddle Pasje sedlo, at first the ascent is more gentle, then more steep. On top of the saddle we diagonally descend to a marked path on a saddle Kamniško sedlo, where we turn right to the mountain hut Frischaufov dom na Okrešlju.
Features: technically is more demanding descent through Grlo, a lot of scree.
Third round - Krnička gora: Okrešelj - Hudi prask - Latvica - Krnička gora - Matkova krnica - on the bottom path in Matkov kot. From the mountain hut Frischaufov dom na Okrešlju we go on a marked path towards Mrzla gora. When we cross second torrential riverbed, we turn right in the forest, where we follow quite well visible footpath. This brings us to triangular scree below Hudi prask. Memorial plaque on rock before that, confirms, that we are on the right path. At the very beginning we have to climb rocky jump II grade, then gully widens. We turn right and we walk at first on quite crumbly broken rocky slope, then gully narrows in groove. Below top of the ridge we turn left and we cross on easier terrain to the next gully. On top of this gully on a small footpath we go towards rock of vertical quadruple shape, which we bypass on the left side and we climb towards the top of the ridge. A little below it in dwarf pines we look for the path to the left, where below we notice characteristic notch through which we have to go. Then we descend on a small saddle and then even lower by a wall to dwarf pines, through which we come on a meadow. We ascend directly to the top of the ridge, where there is passage on Latvica. We descend on a marked path for Mrzla gora, on which we go little lower. We cross in the direction of Krnička gora on very crumbly deer path, which crosses below well visible place where rock has broken off. When we get to grassy terrain, we ascend among dwarf pines straight upwards on a saddle before the beginning of the ridge Mrzla gora. We descend on the Austrian side and we walk right towards dwarf pines. Then we ascend on a ridge and we climb there, we are avoiding dwarf pines on left. To the summit of Krnička gora we ascend on a wide ledge. From the top, we continue forward so that at first we descend a little and then again slightly ascend diagonally left on dwarf pined groove. Again we descend and then we diagonally climb on grooves. We cross a smaller notch and we are on the ridge of Krnička gora. Ahead we stick to the right on a ridge, later left. By the end of the ridge by dwarf pines we descend to characteristic notch vegetated with dwarf pines. Here starts exposed climbing of II grade through flake on a crumbly terrain or we descend by rope. By the foot on the right a view opens up in idyllic cirque Matkova krnica. Among dwarf pines we look for passage to remains of the cottage of shepherd Matkov pastir. We continue among dwarf pines on fall-line, where there is the beginning of the footpath. Later leads us to the left below the walls to a gully, which we cross it and we turn right downwards. The footpath runs parallel with gully on grass on the left. Later we again cross gully and we walk on the right side. Little lower we again cross gully to the left by small pools. For some time we still walk on steep grass, then we descend in the forest. We cross some gullies, in some parts water runs through it. The footpath is slightly descending and vanishes at characteristic stump, 60 altitude meters above cart track. We descend on a cart track and we twice turn right, that we come out in Matkov kot by the beginning of a marked path on Mrzla gora.
Features: technically the most demanding tour on the described path, climbing to II. grade, rock is in some parts quite crumbly, belaying is needed, for inexperienced escort of a guide. The orientation is demanding as well.
On the way: Robanova kmetija (650m), Robanova planina (890m), Robanovega krnica (1700m), Krofička (2083m), Škrbina (1792m), Koča na Klemenči jami (1208m), Rjavčki vrh (Planinšca) (1898m), Dno poti skozi Grlo (980m), Pasje sedlo (1636m), Dom na Okrešlju mountain hut (1396m), Vrh Hudega praska (1800m), Latvica (1750m), Sedlo med Mrzlo in Krničko goro (1900m), Krnička gora (2064m), Krničko sedlo (1811m), Matkova krnica (1700m), Matkov kot (920m)
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