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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Skala / Slovenske Konjice - Skala (steep path)

Slovenske Konjice - Skala (steep path)

Starting point: Slovenske Konjice (333 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3372°N 15.4204°E 
Destination: Skala (750 m)
Path name: steep path
Time of walking: 1 h 10 min
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Difficulty of skiing: very demanding
Altitude difference: 417 m
Altitude difference (by path): 417 m
Views: 37,440
Trip rating: 7 votes
Number of pictures: 18
Access to starting point:
From highway Ljubljana - Maribor we go to the exit Slovenske Konjice and we follow the road to the mentioned town. In the center of Slovenske Konjice, we leave the main road (we continue left) and we go towards the church, near of which we park on a large marked parking lot.
Path description:
From the parking lot, we walk to the eastern side of the church, where we notice signposts for Skala. The path at first leads on street Cesta pod Goro, which we soon leave because blazes in triangular crossroad point us on a worse road which gently ascends along the large field upwards. And we soon leave the worse road because the path still leads by the field upwards (the road turns slightly to the right). The path then goes into the forest, where after some few ten strides we again step on a cart track which we follow to the left. At first, a gently sloping cart track makes a right turn and then steeply ascends and gradually changes into a footpath. The path which runs through the forest is further moderately ascending. After few minutes of additional walking brings us on the road which we only cross. The path which further starts steeper and steeper ascending eventually brings us to a crossing, where we have two options to continue.
We continue slightly left in the direction of the climbing path (right - an easier path), which after few additional strides, brings us to the entrance into the wall. The path ahead with the help of steel cables steeply ascends by the foot of the walls. When we overcome this part, in front of us there is the most difficult part of the path. With the help of a steel cable and stemples we ascend on a steep diagonal gully, after which the path brings us on the other side of a rocky outside corner. Here follows few more stemples and then problems decreases and the path brings us on Skala from where a beautiful view opens up.
The climbing part is only 5 minutes long.
Trip can be extended to: Stolpnik
Slovenske Konjice - Skala1
Slovenske Konjice - Skala2
Slovenske Konjice - Skala3
Slovenske Konjice - Skala4
Slovenske Konjice - Skala5
Slovenske Konjice - Skala6
Slovenske Konjice - Skala7
Slovenske Konjice - Skala8
Slovenske Konjice - Skala9
Slovenske Konjice - Skala10
Slovenske Konjice - Skala11
Slovenske Konjice - Skala12
Slovenske Konjice - Skala13
Slovenske Konjice - Skala14
Slovenske Konjice - Skala15
Slovenske Konjice - Skala16
Slovenske Konjice - Skala17
Slovenske Konjice - Skala18
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