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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Monte Mataiur/Matajur / Svino - Monte Mataiur/Matajur (slovenska smer)

Svino - Monte Mataiur/Matajur (slovenska smer)

Starting point: Svino (250 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.2424°N 13.569°E 
Path name: slovenska smer
Time of walking: 4 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: no data
Altitude difference: 1392 m
Altitude difference (by path): 1400 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Views: 3,291
Trip rating: 1 votes
Number of pictures: 37
Access to starting point:
A) From Tolmin we drive towards the center of Kobarid, where still before the center of the town we turn left towards the settlement Svino. We park before the settlement Svino, on an appropriate place by the road. In the settlement Svino there aren't any parking spots.
B) From Bovec, we drive towards Tolmin. When we reach the road Tolmin - Kobarid, we continue right towards the border crossing Robič and center of Kobarid. Before the center of Kobarid we turn left towards the settlement Svino. We park before the settlement Svino, on an appropriate place by the road. In the settlement Svino there aren't any parking spots.
C) From the border crossing Robič we drive towards Kobarid and Tolmin. In Kobarid we continue right towards Tolmin, and then we soon go once again right in the direction of the settlement Svino. We park before the settlement Svino, on an appropriate place by the road. In the settlement Svino there aren't any parking spots.
Path description:
From the starting point, we continue on the road, by which we've parked, and there after good five minutes of walking, we get to the village Svino, where we notice signs for Matajur, which point us left (right Sužid).
We continue left, among houses and less noticeable signs for Matajur. The right path goes a little more left and past houses leads through pastures, behind which, the path goes into the forest. Further are blazes more frequent and also orientation is easier.
The path then starts ascending steeper and after approximately half an hour of walking, it brings us on a wider cart track which comes from the village Sužid. Further, we are ascending for some time on a cart track which has quite a few crossings, but the path is well marked. Before decaying old military cottage, the path on Matajur points us left upwards. Here cart the track changes into steep mule track, which on a quite steep slope, higher brings us on less steep slopes. The path then brings us to newer forest road which we only cross. On the other side of the road, we ascend few steps and in front of us, we notice a shepherd hut on the mountain pasture Svinska planina.
On the mountain pasture, we notice signs "left mountain pasture Idrsko" and right "mountain pasture Sužid", there aren't any signs for Matajur, but the path towards Matajur is marked.
Continuation of the path, we find among cottages on the mountain pasture and ahead it runs on a smaller indistinct valley. Despite the path being marked, it is in parts poorly visible and in some parts overgrown. After approximately 15 minutes of walking from the mountain pasture we come to water tank and nearby we notice mountain signposts. Here we go straight in the direction of Matajur, on still poorly visible, but marked footpath. The path then leads us over overgrown meadow, after which we join nicely beaten path, which comes from the village Avsa, or Livek.
We continue right towards Matajur and then follows few minutes of a diagonal ascent, and then we already get to the next crossing below Glava, where we leave usual path on Matajur and we continue straight in the direction of Visoka glava (left normal path on Matajur).
Next follows quite gentle walk, on the path that runs north from eastern Matajur ridge and is except in dry periods, quite muddy. When we get closer to northern ridge of Matajur, almost unnoticeably we stride across the national border, and then in a diagonal ascent towards the right, we reach the mentioned ridge (Sedlo), where we join the better beaten path, which we follow to the left. A short time we are still moderately ascending, and then the path becomes pretty steep and in wet also quite slippery. After approximately 10 minutes the path flattens, and then in a moderate ascent and with nice views, we reach the peak Matajur.
The starting point - Svinska planina - 2:40, Svinska planina - Matajur 1:20.
On the way: Svinska planina (1214m)
Svino - Monte Mataiur/Matajur1
Svino - Monte Mataiur/Matajur2
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