Cima Latemar / Latemarspitze
Elevation: 2800 m / 9186 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 2,161
Popularity: 31% (2455th place)
Description of mountain:
Cima Latemar (also Schenon Latemar, german Latemarspitze) is 2800 meters high peak in the mountain group Latemar. From the top on which stands a big cross is a very nice view towards other peaks in the group, we can also clearly see neighbouring mountain group Catinaccio (Rosengarten). Peak was visited for the first time on 1st September 1884, when Gustav Euringer and Battista Bernard reached the peak.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Alpe di Siusi / Seiser Alm,
Carezza (Talstation Pra di Tori),
Carezza / Karersee,
Deutschnofen (Hotel Pfösl),
Gummer - San Valentino in Campo,
Obereggen (Obereggen - Oberholz Talstation),
Obereggen (Snowpark),
Pampeago (Campo Scuola),
Pampeago (Pala di Santa),
Pampeago (Tresca),
Passo di Costalunga / Karerpass,
Pozza di Fassa (Col de Valvacin),
Pozza di Fassa - Buffaure,
Predazzo (Passo Feudo),
Rifugio Baita Cuz,
Tires / Tiers,
Tre Valli,
Welschnofen (König Laurin Talstation),
Welschnofen (Paolina Talstation)