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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Kravji vrh / Kuhberg

Kravji vrh / Kuhberg

Country: Austria
Mountain range: Karawanks
Elevation: 2017 m / 6617 ft
Type: peak
Weather forecast:
Views: 11,987
Popularity: 43% (2046th place)
Number of pictures: 5
Number of paths: 2
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of mountain:
Kravji vrh / Kuhberg is two-thousander on Obir, which has two approximately equally high peaks. On the higher except the dwarf pines there is nothing there, on about meter lower, which is located southwest from the before mentioned higher peak there are cross, inscription box and a smaller bench. About the height of Kravji vrh there is quite a bit of confusion. For the higher peak on maps we can find data about height 2029 meters, 2026 meters and 2024 meters, for the lower 2026 meters and 2017 meters (on the cross on the top is data 2017 meters). No matter how high the peak is, it is certainly that the peak offers a nice view towards Karawanks, Kamnik Savinja Alps, valley Drautal...
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Kravji vrh / Kuhberg Kravji vrh / Kuhberg Kravji vrh / Kuhberg Kravji vrh / Kuhberg Kravji vrh / Kuhberg
Šajda / Schaidasattel - Kravji vrh / Kuhberg (via Obirsko sedlo)2 h 45 mineasy unmarked way
Šajda / Schaidasattel - Kravji vrh / Kuhberg (steep path)2 h 30 mineasy unmarked way
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