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Mali Bojanski vrh

Country: Slovenia
Elevation: 600 m / 1969 ft
Type: peak
Weather forecast:
Views: 744
Popularity: 22% (2766th place)
Number of pictures: 5
Number of paths: 5
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of mountain:
Mali Bojanski vrh is a vegetated peak, which is situated south from Celje and Štore in Posavsko hribovje. On its west side there is a slightly higher brother - Veliki Bojanski vrh. About 100 meters further from the rocky peak of Mali Bojanski vrh we can on northeastern gentle ridge come to a vantage point, where a beautiful view opens up towards the north on Štore and nearby surroundings, and also on surrounding hills from Donačka gora, Boč, Konjiška gora, Kislica to Paški Kozjak.
Surroundings within radius of km:
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Mali Bojanski vrh Mali Bojanski vrh Mali Bojanski vrh Mali Bojanski vrh Mali Bojanski vrh
Hayrack (Laška vas - Pečovje) - Mali Bojanski vrh (via Žlajfa) 40 mineasy marked way, easy unmarked way
Hayrack (Laška vas - Pečovje) - Mali Bojanski vrh (via Bojanski graben) 45 mineasy marked way, easy unmarked way
Zvodno - Mali Bojanski vrh (via Bojanski graben) 45 mineasy marked way, easy unmarked way
Štore - Mali Bojanski vrh (via Kompole and Šentjanž)1 h 45 mineasy marked way, easy unmarked way
Teharje - Mali Bojanski vrh (Pot I. Celjske čete)1 h 30 mineasy marked way, easy unmarked way
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