Elevation: 1555 m / 5102 ft
Type: mountain hut
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Views: 586,860
Popularity: 95% (170th place)
Description of mountain hut:
Mountain hut Mojčin dom na Vitrancu is situated few 10 meters west from the former and today decaying mountain hut Dom na Vitrancu. Mojčin dom is open on Saturdays and Sundays between 9.00 and 17.00 hour from May to October. In July and August is permanently open. A view from hut is the most beautiful on peaks, which are rising above valleys Mala and Velika Pišnica, we can also see Jalovec, Karawanks, Gurktal Alps, High Tauern, Gailtal Alps, Carnic Alps and part of the western Julian Alps. 100 meters east from the mountain hut, at paragliding site, also a nice view opens up towards the east, where we clearly see Kranjska Gora and part of the valley Zgornjesavska dolina.
Surroundings within radius of
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