Elevation: 3003 m / 9852 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 830
Popularity: 23% (2739th place)
Description of mountain:
Rinnerspitze is a conical shaped mountain, which is rising above the eponymous lake. In spite of that, that in a wide mountain range Alpeiner Berge, in which it is situated, with its height or difficulty of the approach it doesn't stand out, it is the most visited three-thousander in glacial surrounding, in which there are otherwise a lot of important mountains of Stubai Alps.
The main reason for popularity of the mountain is that the peak is one of the destinations of trail "7 peaks of Stubai" and unlike the most of surrounding three-thousanders, the ascent in the summer runs in snowless conditions and demands less equipment and experiences, but it is still quite quaint, and the peak offers a beautiful view on surrounding mountain range, where stands out a rocky fortress of the ridge Sommerwand and peaks which surrounds the glacier behind it, it offers also the view on the lake Rinnensee and on many important peaks of the mountain range Alpeiner Berge such as Schrankogel, Ruderhofspitze and Östliche Seespitze.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Bockkogel - Schrankogel,
Bremer Hütte,
Eisgrat (Stubaier Gletscher),
Mitterjoch (Fulpmes),
Neustift (Fernau Bergstation),
Neustift (Fernau Mittelstation),
Neustift (Murmele Bergstation),
Neustift (Schaufeljoch Bergstation),
Neustift - Hochstubai (Übungsland Krössbach),
Schlick 2000,