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Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu

Country: Slovenia
Elevation: 904 m / 2966 ft
Type: church
Weather forecast:
Views: 359,909
Popularity: 78% (791st place)
Number of pictures: 11
Number of paths: 6
Number of GPS tracks: 2
Description of church:
Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu is a smaller settlement, which is located north from river Drava and by the border with Austria. On the hill above the settlement stands the church of the Holy Spirit from the 17th century, from which a beautiful view opens up on surrounding hills. A stamp and inscription book are situated in the nearby inn Gostilna Heric.
Surroundings within radius of km:
Webcams in radius of km:
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Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu1 h 45 minpartly demanding marked way
Selnica ob Dravi - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu (Aljaževa pot)3 h 10 mineasy marked way
Veliki Boč (Zgornji Kovač) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu1 h 30 mineasy marked way
Gradišče na Kozjaku - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu1 h 20 mineasy marked way
Gradišče na Kozjaku (Hajdišev mlin) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu1 h 30 mineasy marked way
Janževa Gora - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu (mimo cerkve sv. Janeza Krstnika)3 h 10 mineasy unmarked way
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