Elevation: 231 m / 758 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 1,820
Popularity: 29% (2522nd place)
Description of mountain:
Sveti Ivan is a peak is with eponymous chapel above the settlement Veli Lošinj.
The view from this point is absolutely breathtaking. As clear as day there is Veli Lošinj, in the distance we can see islands Pag and Rab and massif Velebit, and on the other side, we can in good visibility see also Italian coast.
The church on the top of Kalvarija Hill was built in 1755 by Antonio Sforzina as a memorial chapel for his family.
On the path which from Veli Lošinj lead upwards to the church, the same year they made also Way of the cross (via crucis) with three simple chapels and wooden crosses representing the stations.
About the vantage point of Sveti Ivan is also told by an ancient story. At the time of great discoveries and overseas trips, children from Lošinj waited in this place for a ship to appear on the horizon and immediately informed the whole village about the return of local sailors.
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