Sveti Pankracij (Radelca)
Elevation: 900 m / 2953 ft
Type: peak, church
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Views: 2,580
Popularity: 33% (2405th place)
Description of mountain:
Church of St. Pankracij on Radelca is situated on the border ridge between Slovenia and Austria, and since the year 1966 by interstate agreement the church is entirely on the Slovenian territory. The first church on the mentioned place was built already before the year 1490, and today's was blessed on 6th September 1910.
From the lookout tower on belfry of the church, which is accessible in the summer time (in the winter time from 15/11 to 15/4 the access is not possible) a nice view opens up on all sides. On Slovenian side we see part of the valley Dravska dolina, Pohorje and surrounding hills, and on the Austrian side the view reaches from the nearby Golica / Koralpe to distant mountains and settlements.
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