Elevation: 1350 m / 4429 ft
Type: waterfall
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Views: 474,851
Popularity: 88% (412th place)
Description of waterfall:
Slap Čedca is waterfall with the largest altitude difference in Slovenia, it is 130 meters high. The most water rich is by heavy rains and in the late spring and early in the summer when above the waterfall the snow is melting. Waterfall in dry periods almost dries up. Below the waterfall there is danger of falling stones, and in the winter time a mighty avalanche can slide from Kočna. PS: Čedca waterfall was in June 2008 damaged by strong rockfall, which entirely changed the shape of waterfall. The height of "new" waterfall isn't known yet, but it is much lower as "former" 130 meters.
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