Elevation: 2713 m / 8901 ft
Type: peak
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Views: 5,820
Popularity: 39% (2157th place)
Description of mountain:
Watzmann - Mittelspitze is with 2713 meters the highest peak of massif Watzmann. Watzmann is the third highest German mountain or the highest, which is entirely on German territory. Three main peaks on the western ridge are (in the direction of north - south): Hocheck (2651 meters), Mittelspitze (2713 meters) and Sudspitze (2712 meters). The massif includes also 2307 meters high peak Watzmannfrau (or Kleiner Watzmann) and Watzmannkinder, 5 lower peaks between the main ridge and Watzmannfrau. The entire mountain massif is located in the eastern Bavarian Alps, south from the settlement Berchtesgaden near Austrian Salzburg and is part of National park Berchtesgaden. First, who stepped on the highest peak (Mittelspitze, in the year 1800), was Slovenian priest and passionate alpinist, Valentin Stanič.
Surroundings within radius of
Webcams in radius of
Berchtesgaden (Lockstein),
Hagengebirge - Carl-von-Stahl-Haus,
Hochkalter - Reiteralm,
Jenner (Königsee),
Jenner - Hohes Brett,
Jenner am Königssee,
Kärlinger Haus - Funtensee,
Ramsau bei Berchtesgaden (Hochschwarzeck),
Windbeutelbaron - Obersalzberg,