Weather forecast - Habicht
Weather forecast Habicht:
| 2h |
|  |
Temperature: | -13 °C |
Precipitation (mm/h): | 0 |
Cloud Cover: | 92% |
5h |
-13 °C |
0,07 |
95% |
8h |
-12 °C |
0 |
98% |
11h |
-11 °C |
0,12 |
89% |
14h |
-10 °C |
0,38 |
98% |
17h |
-11 °C |
0,42 |
99% |
20h |
-12 °C |
0,18 |
98% |
23h |
-12 °C |
0,14 |
95% |
| 2h |
|  |
Temperature: | -13 °C |
Precipitation (mm/h): | 0 |
Cloud Cover: | 94% |
5h |
-14 °C |
0 |
89% |
8h |
-12 °C |
0 |
90% |
11h |
-10 °C |
0 |
56% |
14h |
-9 °C |
0 |
73% |
17h |
-9 °C |
0 |
64% |
20h |
-11 °C |
0 |
27% |
23h |
-11 °C |
0 |
17% |
| 2h |
|  |
Temperature: | -11 °C |
Precipitation (mm/h): | 0 |
Cloud Cover: | 32% |
5h |
-12 °C |
0 |
25% |
8h |
-10 °C |
0 |
23% |
11h |
-8 °C |
0 |
41% |
14h |
-6 °C |
0 |
92% |
17h |
-8 °C |
0 |
99% |
20h |
-12 °C |
0,03 |
98% |
23h |
-12 °C |
0,09 |
98% |
| 2h |
|  |
Temperature: | -13 °C |
Precipitation (mm/h): | 0,28 |
Cloud Cover: | 98% |
5h |
-13 °C |
0,36 |
99% |
8h |
-12 °C |
0,34 |
99% |
11h |
-11 °C |
0,27 |
99% |
14h |
-10 °C |
0,42 |
99% |
17h |
-12 °C |
0,47 |
99% |
20h |
-14 °C |
0,47 |
99% |
23h |
-15 °C |
0,51 |
98% |
| 2h |
|  |
Temperature: | -15 °C |
Precipitation (mm/h): | 0,54 |
Cloud Cover: | 99% |
5h |
-15 °C |
0,54 |
99% |
8h |
-13 °C |
0,46 |
97% |
11h |
-12 °C |
0,26 |
99% |
14h |
-12 °C |
0,17 |
89% |
17h |
-13 °C |
0,07 |
77% |
20h |
-16 °C |
0,03 |
60% |
23h |
-17 °C |
0 |
33% |
Weather forecast for location Habicht. Habicht is a mountain in Stubai Alps (
Austria) at an altitude of 3277 meters above sea level.
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