Elevation: 1070 m / 3510 ft
Type: mountain hut
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Views: 822
Popularity: 23% (2741st place)
Description of mountain hut:
Malga Cuarnan or mountain hut Cuarnan is located at 1070 meters above the sea level a little below the saddle Foredor above the settlement Humin (italian: Gemona del Friuli). Mountain hut with diverse agrotourism offer operates in the summer time and is accessible through Gemona on long narrow asphalt road with very sharp turns. Because the parking lot at the mountain hut is small and next to it stands a sign "Privat", it is better to park by the end of the asphalt road 10 to 15 minutes of walking from the mountain hut by the turn, on which there's enough space for parking. We can reach the mountain hut also on foot on the path from the sign CAI 713.
The mountain hut is a goal for numerous mountain bikers, while for mountaineers from the mountain hut ahead there are two destination, namely Mali Karman (1372 meters) towards the south and Veliki Karman (1731 meters) on the other side from the saddle Foredor towards the north.
Address: Strada di Foredor snc, 33013 Gemona del Friuli UD, Italy.
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