Veliki Karman / Monte Chiampon
Elevation: 1713 m / 5620 ft
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Views: 260,630
Popularity: 68% (1158th place)
Description of mountain:
The highest peak of the entire ridge Veliki Karman - (Breginjski) Stol. By height it has only competitor in nearby Deneal, because it exceeds it for only eight meters. A Deneal is moved a kilometer western and isn't accessible for average mountaineer, so that it does not threaten its leading position. View reaches entire ridge of Muzci on the north and northeast, ridge of Stol towards the east, Friulian plain all the way to seaside and wide gravel riverbed of Tilmento and Carnic Alps on the west. On the summit, which we reach both over very steep south slopes and over a little less steep northern slopes, stand cross, bell and trigonometrical station.
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