Kraljev dol - Planina Vodole
Starting point: Kraljev dol (1400 m)
Starting point Lat/Lon: 46.3389°N 14.6855°E 
Time of walking: 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Difficulty of skiing: partly demanding
Altitude difference: 170 m
Altitude difference (by path): 170 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Access to starting point:
First, we drive to Luče, and then we continue driving into a valley of Podvolovjek (direction Kamnik and Kranjski Rak). At the road sign between 11 and 11.5 km, we will get to a smaller crossroad, where a road towards the farm Planinšek and mountain pastures Podvežak, Ravne and Vodole branches off to the right (turn-off is marked). We go on this at first still asphalted road which at the crossroads we follow in the direction of the mountain pasture Ravne. After 9 km of driving from the main road (of this 8 km of the macadam) we will get to the sharp right turn in the middle of which a road branches off to the left, which is already at the very beginning closed with a grazing fence. We go on the mentioned road which we then follow to the parking lot at the end of it.
From Kamnik we drive towards the mountain pass Črnivec, but only to a crossroad, where the road towards Kranjski Rak branches off sharply to the left (turn-off is marked and is located only 500 meters before the mentioned mountain pass). At the crossroad at Kranjski Rak we continue straight on the main road which starts descending into a valley of Podvolovjek. In the mentioned valley we will only 100 meters after bar Gams come to a crossroad, where the road towards the farm Planinšek and mountain pastures Podvežak, Ravne and Vodole branches off to the left (turn-off is marked). Further, follow the upper description.
Path description:
From the end of the road, we cross the fence and then immediately after it we continue right next to it steeply upwards. The path soon goes into the forest, where it is for some time steeply ascending, and then it gradually flattens. Next follows few minutes walk through a thinner forest and a relatively gently sloping path quickly brings us to decaying shepherd cottage on the mountain pasture Vodole.